Monday, March 2, 2009


(this blog is long overdue)

My plans have been all over the place. I have very distinct visions for my wedding. Vision(s) being the definitive word.

I want vintage.

I want flowy and ethereal.

I want neutrals.

I want grapes ... ?

I know, I'm obviously confused.

The problem is, that's just me. Confused. Scattered. Passionate - about a dozen seperate and opposite things. (A character trait that made choosing my wedding dress a distinct problem, but that's for another post.)

I mention vintage to my Mom and we both start dreaming of 40's style tea length bridesmaid dresses and a room full of hydrangeas.

I mention flowy to my bridesmaids and they start trying on strappy little summer dresses that, for a few days, I think I like.

I mention grapes to my Dad (who's cooking genius has landed him the job of reception menu overseer) and he starts spouting about Italian dishes and little bottles of chianti.

All wonderful things, sure. But cohesive, they are not.

And then finally ... revelation: Mediterranean.

A Mediterranean inspired wedding. More specifically, Greek inspired. Clearer yet, Athenian.

Each thought was just a shade off. Each element just needed a little refinement. Vintage? How about styles pulled from one of the oldest cultures? Flowy? I think so! Grapes - absolutely. But instead of grapes with red and yellow ceramic platters and peppy Italian music, we will have grapes flowing over a marble vase.

We will have to rebuild the dinner menu from scratch, but it's a small price to pay for wedding day clarity. For salvation from insanity due to wedding planning induced multiple personality disorder.

You may ask "Is she Greek?" And my answer to you is simply "No." But lay off me, would ya? I have dark hair!

In all seriousness, it's just a love of the culture. A love of their fashion. A connection with their way of life that started when I planted myself on a Greek island for three months. It's a sophisticated sort of casual. I can't think of anything better.


  1. ahhhh....this theme works perfectly with the one-shouldered, flowy, well-filled dress that i envision wearing!

    see. she gets it from me! haha.

    she hears that so often i bet one day she gets so tired of it! however, she is a much, much better, well put together, got it all figured out or at least fakes it better, so groovy, version.

    it'll be fun putting together an athenian inspired wedding with you!

    ouzo(?) anyone....?

    let's watch my big fat greek wedding to get ideas ;-)

  2. thanks for the kudos, mom. :)

    let's be careful about taking too many pointers from my big fat greek wedding.

    greek, yes.

    big and fat, no.
